Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Financial Planning

Richard Cayne at Meyer International in Bangkok Thailand notes that Japan's exports have seen their biggest annual rise for three years. Exports rose 18.6% to 6.1tn yen ($61bn) in the year to October, largely thanks to more car shipments, its...
Richard Cayne Meyer notes that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s, and his deputy Taro Aso’s, intentions for Japan are best understood after appreciating their family histories and the fiscal time bomb facing Japan. Both their families have over 150 years...
USA Richard Cayne Meyer comments that the perceived improvement in the US economy has brought central bankers to the point where they can consider reducing quantitative easing (QE). The result of this is likely to be higher interest rates as...
Richard Cayne Meyer states that Multi-managers believe the political stalemate in the U.S. could be a prime opportunity to buy more risk assets, although there is concern about the looming debt ceiling. Last week, for the first time in 17...