Richard Cayne Meyer International Thailand is dedicated to making sure that the people he offers his financial consultant services to be protected against the rise of interest rates. For this reason, he has developed a guide to the top five ETFs that will help protect his clients as well as anyone who is interested in investing with ETFs.
The following global ETFs are all ones that come with a high overall rating and will be attractive on a global market. If you would like more information about these different ETFs, be sure to rely on Richard Cayne Bangkok as your financial consultant:
PowerShares DB 3x Itn Trs B Fut ETN (ITLT)
PowerShares DB 3x German BD Fut ETN (BUNT)
RBS Global Big Pharma ETN (DRGS)
iShares Core High Dividend (HDV)
PowerShares DB Itn Trs B Fut ETN (ITLY)
When you are considering relying on ETFs as the interest rates rise, you will find that they have quite a few benefits over what traditional index funds offer. For starters, they are typically cheaper in fees than traditional index funds and may actually cost you less money in taxes. This is another area the Richard Cayne Bangkok can help clients with.
Even though they are similar to index funds, ETFs work a bit differently. The net asset value works much like a stock price, for example, and is set at the end of every trading day. Richard Cayne Meyer International Thailand will watch this information and make sure that clients are gaining the best counseling possible.
If is also easier to diversify when you choose ETFs over index funds because they allow you to invest in a specific area of the bond or the stock market. Richard Cayne Bangkok is also very knowledgeable about this section of the market as well and will be able to assist clients with financial consulting services.
Finally, ETFs are very easy to use because they can be purchased or sold during any part of the day, just as you would with stocks. With mutual funds, prices are only realized at the end of the day. While this may not matter if you are investing for the long-term, those who are looking for short term investments will prefer this flexibility.
Richard Cayne Meyer International has great experience in this industry. With over 18 years of experience, he is a fantastic option to choose as a financial consultant. Currently, he resides as the CEO of Asia Wealth Group Holdings LTD and has helped high net worth Japanese families find innovative solutions to their international tax and wealth management concerns.
When you are considering ETFs, Richard Cayne Bangkok is an excellent solution to help you learn everything that you need to know about these exciting investment opportunities. With the knowledge that you will receive, you will be able to confidently choose the ETFs that will work best for your needs and that will help you to increase your wealth in new and exciting ways. ETFs are a fantastic tool and can easily help you to build your portfolio even with the interest rates are rising.