When a company looks to go public there are several issues to consider explains Richard Cayne of the Meyer Group. Such issues may include if the company is happy for their information to be made public information. Many people do not realize that once a company is public that means their balance sheet, financials, company directors and any movements the company makes are public information. Their full transparency and disclosure is a positive in that it shows the company has proper corporate governance and operates in a completely ethical and legal manner taking into account all the laws in the various territories it operates.
Richard Cayne explains “When we listed the Meyer Group under Asia Wealth Group Holdings in London we had to undergo full due diligence from lawyers in Japan, Singapore, UK and the BVI who had to sign off that our business was and continues to be in full compliance with all the laws of the various territories we operate in, without such signoff from the lawyers the Stock Exchange would have never allowed the company to go public. In addition extensive background checks on all the directors including myself had to take place. What I believe this offers our clients and business partners is complete comfort in knowing that all principals involved with the Meyer Group and Asia Wealth Group holdings have clean backgrounds and that the business is clean and transparent which allows them to have a high level of trust and comfort when dealing with our Group.”
Richard Cayne of The Meyer Group explains that not only did all accounts have to be audited going back several years into the groups history but also all current and futures intentions must be disclosed. This allows for a competitive advantage in our business over overs that are private without any disclosure requirements. Richard Cayne was one of the pioneers in the overseas financial consulting space for Japanese and had worked in Tokyo Japan for over 15 years prior to taking his company public.
Being a public company means that there must be monthly board meetings with audit and regulatory issues always being address explains Richard Cayne in Bangkok Thailand. This does take extra time and if a company doesn’t want to adhere to all the extra requirements that a listing entails then perhaps they should not be listing just yet.
That said a listing can open many doors, from raising funds in various capital markets to being seen as a transparent company who others would want to partner with because of the high trust and transparency factor a listing offers is certainly a good reason to look to go public. Richard Cayne explains that in South East Asia in particular the upgraded image a listing offers to a company can make the difference between success and failure.
Currently Richard Cayne as CEO of Asia Wealth Group Holdings is speaking with various companies in SE Asia looking to list in London many seeing a listing as a reputational enhancement so that prospective investors can feel comfortable that not only is the company fully transparent and trustable but also that all principals have a clean background and the company operates in full compliance with all ethics and laws. Full information on Asia Wealth Group Holdings and Richard Cayne can be seen at https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/AWLP:PZ
Richard Cayne Meyer originally from Montreal, Quebec Canada currently resides in Bangkok Thailand and runs the Meyer Group of Companies. Prior to which he was residing in Tokyo Japan for over 15 years and is currently CEO of Asia Wealth Group Holdings Ltd a London, UK Stock Exchange listed Financial Holdings Company. Richard Cayne has been involved in the wealth management spacein Tokyo Japan and has assisted many High Net worth Japanese families create innovative international tax and wealth management planning solutions. https://www.isdx.com/Asia Wealth Group